100% Chardonnay
100% Bio
Dosage: 0 g/l
It’s Friday – it’s even the start of small vacation and 2006 David Léclapart “L’Amateur” is on the menu - I am already smiling before the bubbles are rising from the glass.
I even had pretty high expectations as I sense there is something good about vintage 2006, despite my reference sheet is not that big yet.
This can’t go wrong….
A vivid crystal clear nose of divine purity and the first note, which crossed my mind, was; butter. But – butter…seriously?? “L’Amateur” is not made in wood, but in enameled steel tanks. Clearly it had to be something else and as I gave it some thought it wasn’t butter, but surely something providing an inner smoothness – even sweetness, with slightly subtle and nutty flavours. But it’s vital to tell you how mineral affected this Champagne is. You have all kinds of minerals – the ones providing clarity with associations to frozen steel and the ones providing a more raw side, which set’s their traces on the back palate with a lot of warmth and character on the finish line. The nose also consist of corn, apples, citrus and some grassy/straw flavours – which again is linked to the mineral touch. On one side, this Champagne is remarkable easy to drink, yet the mineral side is taking it one step further - but it’s best feature is it’s electricity, which tickles all the flavours into a balanced wonderland.
The 2006 L’Amateur might very well be the finest Vintage I have tasted so far – and despite it’s youthful, it’s singing with confidence and providing authentic and zippy fresh drinking pleasure from glass one.
If this is Léclapart entry level in 2006 – I have even higher expectations towards “L’Apôtre”
Glass: Zalto White Wine and Speigelau Adina “Red wine”
Great glass ;-)
Butter? come on, you cannot be serious.
Hi SK2,
Hi SK2,
Butter is fairly typical to appear in white wines made in oak. A Mersault will typical have buttery features. 2000 L'Apotre has a lot of butter notes, but as L'Amateur is made in enameled steel tanks it's not butter, but something giving me the same associations.
So maybe you misunderstood me, or I didn't make myself clear enough.
I tried the L'Amateur twice and I find the wine very lean very sharp and I cannot find butter in it though. I must try it when I have the chance.
Hej Thomas
Lige et glas spørgsmål. Har du både Zalto hvidvin og vandglas? For jeg har ladet mig fortælle at vandglasset er helt mage til hvidvinsglasset bort set fra at stilken på vandglasset er halvt så lang. Og hvis det er tilfældet så er det jo en win win situation at ha' vandglasset.
Mvh/ Martin
Hi Thomas,
I think L´Amateur is the best wine he makes for immediately throwing down, BTW L´Apôtre 2002 was a the weakest of his so far, 2003 and 2004 are much more in my style.....
Vandglasset er sit eget univers....som alle ZALTO glas!
Alt med ZALTO er win-win..;-)
Hey Voodoo!
Ja du har så evig ret! Zalto er fantastisk, mangler kun Bordeaux og så hvidvins glasset så er serien fuldendt. Men synes bare når man ser på billeder at de 2 glas er helt ens i kolben.
Og så står den forresten på L'Amateur 05, Papilles Insolites mm på fredag... Nice ;-)
Jeg prøvede igår , vandglasset er lidt mindre i åbningen og kortere stilk!
Har dog ikke prøvet at drikke Champagne fra vandglasset, men var ret vild med hvidvinsglasset til David Leclapart, Papilles Insolites er en af mine ynglings Pinot Noir fra Aube!!
Tak for go info... glæder mig til at smage Papilles ;). Sidder med et glas Varnier-Fanneire BdB nu, et ok glas, men lang fra bio bobler.
Hey....have been on a small vacation...I can see Voodoo aka my glass nerd brother has answered already.
SK2 - the butter thing I wrote about...I have only seen it in 2006 vintage.
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