Friday, October 26, 2007


Welcome to my blog.

I started this blog in nov-2007 without any clue how it would evolve.

I can now see that I like it to be a small diary of the experiences I have with wine and what follows in its path. To some degree I like it to be somewhat innocent even though I will have opinions about the wines I taste. If you are looking for expert advises, deep insight knowledge or just guidance to what wines to buy, I will certainly not be that person. I don’t peruse to praise you about my wisdom of wine, so feel free to participate to comment and add your knowledge, so I can also learn.

In general I will rather be him, who will be somewhat naïve and represent the end-user of a bottle of wine and tell you how I felt after I had drunk the bottle. The more wines I taste – the less time I use on analyzing it and dissecting it into aroma-fragments. I might not even write anything down and in fact I sometimes wait a few days and see if my mind can still taste the wine.

Tasting more wines will of course evolve patterns and preferences, which you will most certainly see here, as I recently, have stated to drink a lot of Champagne. But who knows what I will be drinking in 2-10 years time?

My other passion is photography, which I try to express here, even though I seem to have exhausted possible creative ways of shooting a wine label. Photography is another way of expression senses which is a vital part for me when I taste wine.

Anyway – welcome once again and I hope you will stay tuned and I can offer you some sort of enjoyment factor.




good food said...

Dear Thomas

I wanted to congratulate you on your blog, but also wanted to become more familiar with it before I did that. It looks great! I'm also really impressed with the large number of tasting notes that you've already put here.

Only knowing you from the virtual wine forums you frequent, I have especially enjoyed your more personal touch to it in your posts here. But that's what blogging is all about, isn't?

Thanks for advertising your link, so I could find your site. I look forward to reading your future posts!

Great photos - but that's old news.

Best from

PS. Also many thanks for your great comments on champagne and best restaurants!

Thomas said...

Hi Trine,

Thank you for these kind words.

I have not had the time to upload all of my TNs, so my attempt of having a Blog has died out. But I have slowly re-started the uploading copy + paste hell again ;-).

My pictures are no way near your own. But I will soon get a new SLR-Camera - so watch out ;-).

Fun to bump in to you last week - I hope you had a relaxing weekend.

Best from,


Tobias Liechti said...

Hej Thomas

Ja der kan man bare se hvad man kan falde over en sen fredag aften/nat, søgende på nettet efter både stort og småt vedr. mit favorit område i vinens verden: champagne.

HOLD DA OP en guldkump af en blog du "gemmer" her - jeg møder sjældent personer der nærer samme passion for boblerne som jeg, men jeg må sige din skinner tydeligt igennem dine beskrivelser og analyser af vinene. ( P.S. imponerende engelsk kundskaber ;-) )

Jeg håber på et tidspunkt at støde på dig ved en smagning, og få en god snak om "stjernerne" :-D
(Overvejer kraftigt SKÅL's smagning d. 20, hvis jeg kan nå det)

Venlig hilsen

Tobias Liechti

Thomas said...

Hej Tobias,

Tusinde tak for dine meget rosende ord - det varmer.

Jeg når desværre ikke selv smagningen den 20'ende hos Skål - øv. Jeg havde dog fornøjelsen, af at deltage den 6. juni, som jeg skriver på netop nu. Skal bare lige have filet lidt på billderne først.

Mon ikke vi støder ind i hinanden en dag - det kunne være hyggeligt.


Bedste hilsner,


vinosseur said...

Hello Thomas!

Just discovered your blog today. Was searching for some Overnoy info. I will follow your writings. Are you in Denmark?


Thomas said...

Hi Vinosseur,

Thank you.

YES - I am in Denmark ;-).
